Sunday, December 29, 2019
Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay - 2290 Words
Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Mary Shelley is an author who wrote the novel of Frankenstein. Mary Shelley herself in her life, experienced many deaths of close friends and family. When she was first born her mother died, furthermore Mary had a baby, who died 12 days later and her husband Percy Shelly drowned. Maybe it was these experiences, which led Mary Shelley to write such a novel of great horror published in 1818. Frankenstein itself is called the modern Prometheus. Prometheus in Greek myth stole fire from Zeus and gives it to humanity but was then eternally punished by Zeus. In the Latin version Prometheus created man from clay and water. Victor Frankenstein is seen as a modern Prometheus†¦show more content†¦When someone shows an act of kindness towards him, his whole countenance lights up. This is probably because all of his friends and family have died. Walton fears for Frankenstein, as he says, Two days passed before he was able to speak and I often feared that his sufferings had deprived him of understanding. Even without knowing Frankensteins full story Walton knows he has been through a lot and this makes the reader appreciate this. Walton sees Frankenstein as a companion equal in ambitions. Walton confides his dream with Frankensteien although he responds in dismay, as it was an ambition and a dream, which drove Frankenstein to near destruction. On the way Walton saw a being of gigantic proportions. A question which comes into the readers mind is what was the human-like creature? The reader feels involved and it as if we have been placed in the character of Walton and we want to know what the source of Frankenstein grief is. As a young boy living in Geneva Frankenstein dreamed of discovering new things. He had all the facilities and money and one day wanted to banish disease from human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death. This is an admirable quality and the reader feels great interest on Frankenstein part. He can be seen as a heroic questerShow MoreRelatedMary Shelleys Frankenstein1689 Words  | 7 PagesGreat Expectations Fathers and Son, Frankenstein. The novel I have chosen to discuss is Frankenstein. Written in 1818 by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein is classified as a gothic novel, however, Shelly uses both realist and non-realist techniques. I will be looking at her reasons for writing the novel and what influenced her, as well as the realist and non-realist techniques used. I will be looking at some of the contemporary social issues that affected Shelley’s life at the time she wrote her novelRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein1179 Words  | 5 Pagesbecome determined to perfect at what they do. They eventually become tragically doomed through creating their own individual moral codes by struggling with their internal battles within their minds. Mary Shelley presents us the first persona of a romantic hero through Victor Frankenstein in her book Frankenstein. Shelley fabricates Victor as the main narrator throughout the book, along with Captain Walton and the creature, which Victor creates. Another hero during the Romant ic era is the Ancient MarinerRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein Feminism1429 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Youshock Prof. Matthew Gerber HIST 1012 10/19/18 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Feminism before it was mainstream? Writing a paper on the topic of Frankenstein days before Halloween might give you the wrong idea- lets clear something up straight away Frankenstein is the doctor not the monster and the monster doesn’t have a name (which we later learn is mildly important to the story). You see, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is arguably a story of creation, murder, love, and learning amongst manyRead More Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay929 Words  | 4 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein The characterization of Victor’s creature, the monster, in the movie although somewhat dramatically different from Mary Shelley’s portrayal in the novel Frankenstein also had its similarities. Shelley’s views of the monster were to make him seem like a human being, while the movie made the monster out to be a hideous creation. The creature’s appearance and personality are two aspects that differ between the novel and movie while his intellectual and tender sidesRead More Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay1312 Words  | 6 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein In order to illustrate the main theme of her novel â€Å"Frankenstein†, Mary Shelly draws strongly on the myth of Prometheus, as the subtitle The Modern Prometheus indicates. Maurice Hindle, in his critical study of the novel, suggests, â€Å"the primary theme of Frankenstein is what happens to human sympathies and relationships when men seek obsessively to satisfy their Promethean longings to â€Å"conquer the unknown†- supposedly in the service of their fellow-humans†. ThisRead More Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay1622 Words  | 7 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein Nineteen-year-old Mary Shelley didn’t know when she began it that her â€Å"ghost story†would become an enduring part of classic literature. Frankenstein is an admirable work simply for its captivating plot. To the careful reader, however, Shelley’s tale offers complex insights into human experience. The reader identifies with all of the major characters and is left to heed or ignore the cautions that their situations provide. Shelley uses the second person narrativeRead MoreEssay on Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1643 Words  | 7 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein In 1818 a novel was written that tingled people’s minds and thrilled literary critics alike. Frankenstein was an instant success and sold more copies than any book had before. The immediate success of the book can be attributed to the spine-tingling horror of the plot, and the strong embedded ethical message. Although her name did not come originally attached to the text, Mary Shelley had written a masterpiece that would live on for centuries. Read MoreEvil in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1462 Words  | 6 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein is very much a commentary on the Enlightenment and its failure to tame the human condition through reason. The human condition can be defined as the unique features which mold a human being. The creature is undoubtedly a victim of this predicament. He grapples with the meaning of life, the search for gratification, the sense of curiosity, the inevitability of isolation, and the awareness of the inescapability of death. These qualities and his ceaseless stalking of hisRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay1086 Words  | 5 Pages Mary Shelley wrote the book Frankenstein sometime in the 1810s. She was born in London in 1797 (Biography). Her mother was an author of prime literary stock who was trying to encourage women to pursue their ideas and strive to earn the status as equals. The Scientific and Industrial Revolutions that were taking place around Mary Shelley certainly influ enced her while she was writing the book. The creation of machines and experiments at the time made people wonder what the limit of human technologyRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay846 Words  | 4 Pages Shelley’s Frankenstein does an excellent job at demonstrating the ideas and accomplishments of the enlightenment period. Shelly expresses these ideas and thoughts through the character of Victor Frankenstein who is an aspiring scientist seeking an intellectual challenge. Victor Frankenstein live s his hometown of Geneva and leaves in quest of a valued education in Ingolstadt. When Victor arrives at college he is lonely and finds himself in a new world in which he lives by himself. He than meets
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Dunham and Pierces Leadership Process Model - 1287 Words
Dunham and Pierces Leadership Process Model Taking an Intelligent, Long-Term Approach to Leadership ________________________________________ Leadership is about setting direction and helping people do the right things. However, it can involve so much more than this! In particular, leadership is a long-term process in which - in a very real and practical way - all actions have consequences, and what goes around comes around. Dunham and Pierces Leadership Process Model helps you think about this, and understand why its important to adopt a positive and long-term approach to leadership. This model highlights the dynamic nature of leadership.  © iStockphoto/H-Gall Well look at the model in this article, and well†¦show more content†¦Of course, your people may have to follow your instructions. However, if youre a leader who they trust to do the right thing, theyll want to follow you, and theyll go above and beyond for you because the relationship is deeper. This makes the difference between an average team and a great team. Also, be authentic in your actions and communication, lead with integrity, and be humble. These qualities will inspire the trust of your people and strengthen theShow MoreRelatedEmployee Commitment in Times of Change: Management Journal8839 Words  | 36 Pagessee change as a learning opportunity, and feel as though they have control over the change process. A review of the psychological and organizational behavior literature points out that (a) intrinsic motivation can be thought of as internal work motivation, (b) the ability to see change as a learning opportunity can be thought of as growth need strength, and (c) having control over the change process can be thought of as an internal locus of control. With this in mind, these individual difference
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Social Media Privacy Laws-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Discusss about the Social media privacy laws. Answer: Privacy is essential in the workplace and this is a proper area of development of the law in different workplaces in all over the world. There are different considerations related to privacy in the law setting in employment along with different current issues considered by courts, employers as well as employees lawyers are different novels wherein guidance is scarce in nature. There are different issues that are developing such as: Proper monitoring of the communication of employees or different conducts at workplace that includes proper usage of internet, telephone calls, text messaging as well as e-mails too). Secondly, proper monitoring or making different decisions related to employment that is properly based on use of social media of employees such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and blogging as well. Lastly, proper usage of different technologies that is new in nature helps in global positioning system along with different other applications such as Google Maps or keeping proper track on employees as this will help in monitoring the activities performed by employees while they are working in their offices as well as when they are far away from their work stations as well (Moorhead et al. 2013). According to Wodak and Meyer (2015), social network is made of different set of social actors as well as dynamic ties between the different actors. There are different concerns related to the privacy of the social networking services that is subset of the privacy of data. This involves proper right of mandating privacy personally that is concerning storing as well as re purposing proper provisions to the third parties as well. Proper privacy is required in the different offices as well in the lives of the individuals. Proper law has to be ascertained as well as maintained in the organization in order to protect the employees as well as job applicants privacy in workplace. Proper social media includes different things from personal mail accounts of the individuals such as Facebook, Instagram as well as other pinterest as well (Taddicken 2014). According to Van Der Veldenand El Emam (2013), Social Media privacy rights is defined as the different rights of the individuals wherein during conducting different interviews of the candidates, the password of the personal accounts cannot be asked for, they cannot get with the social media account with sharing their passwords as well(Nolin 2014). The managers of the different organization cannot ask for making any kind of changes in the different privacy settings on the social media accounts and this is not good in nature in order to understand the personal information of the different employees in the organization. The companies need to properly understand the different requirements of the employees in the organization as there is a personal space that has to be provided to the employees in every organization (Marwickand Boyd 2014). However, according to Marwickand Boyd (2014), it has been seen that the employer has the right to access the data properly of the employees; however there are different issues that has to be sorted out in order to properly maintain secrecy in the information that is provided. There is different kind of privacy offered to the individuals in the organization as this will help in providing proper information that is required to be known by the employees as well as employers of the organization. The privacy is required in the social media of the employees in the organization as there can be different risks that can arise from different data collection methods as this will help in identifying the different personal information from the different employees and spread among the third parties as well(Houston et al. 2015). There is different software that has been introduced in the market as this can hack the different important information from the different employees by hacking into their system. This will have huge impact on the personal lives of the individuals (Holmes and O'loughlin 2014). Furthermore, this Application Programming Interface is set of different protocols as well as tools that will help in building software that can hack different personal information of the different employees. Furthermore, there are different new software wherein the bank accounts can be hacked of the employees as well as other normal individuals by sending different messages as well OTP pins that can have huge control on the different information provided by the clients. In this technique, the employees of the organization disclose their OTPs that have been sent to them and this will have huge influence on the different personal credentials f the employees in the organization as well. In the recent era, there have been different issues relating to the privacy concerns of the information to the third parties as well as in other individuals as well. There are different laws that have been made wherein the employer of the organization cannot have any kind of access into the personal accounts of the employees as this is illegal in nature. The Privacy Act of 1974 helps in stating that there is no such agency wherein the record of the employees in the organization cannot be disclosed to any other individuals or third parties as this can have huge negative impact on the individuals and this can release the information as well(Boyd 2014). There is another law wherein it states that there is a freedom of information act in the different organizations wherein the information can be disclosed to other parties or third parties and this requires proper explanation of requiring such data as well(Van Dijck 2013). There have been different cases of online victimization wherein the different social networks are designed in order to understand the different kind of social interaction with the individuals. This will have huge impact on the personal lives of the individuals and this can cause issues and motivate the offenders to perform such activities more often. There should be different other proper laws that has to be properly ascertained in order to reduce such issues in different organizations and this can help in preventing different other issues as well. Therefore, it can be said that proper positive usage of the online social networking sites is required in order to promote in order to reduce the online victimization iss ues as well. Social media is an important platform to interact and connect with each other. The social media is mainly related to technologies which are computer-mediated that mainly facilitate the ways by which information, career and ideas. The interests of the members of social media and the various expressions are shared via the virtual communities. The services that are provided by social media are interactive in nature (Acquisti, Brandimarte and Loewenstein 2015). The content that is generated by the users which are related to the various comments or posts, the videos and the posts are the main parts of social media. The social networks are developed online with the help of social media by connecting the profiles of the users with the various other individuals or the groups of people. Social media has a major influence on the business activities of the organization and the performance of the business as well (Rainie et al. 2013). There are mainly four channels with the help of which the resources of social media can transform into the performance business capabilities: The first major channel is the social capital which mainly represents the level up to which the social media firms and the organizations affects the relationships with the society and degree till which the various organizations use social media. The level up to which social media exposes the likings of the consumers and thereby increases the financial capabilities of the firms and also increases donations, Social media also helps in performing activities related to marketing of the organizations and the ways by which the resources are used to increase the capabilities of the firms. The corporate networking capabilities of the firms are also facilitated by functions of social media. The networking related capabilities of the organization can also increase the operational performance of the organizations (Horvitz and Mulligan 2015). The four different tools that are used by the organizations mainly engage the suppliers, customers, experts and the employees of the organizations related to development of the services and products with the use of the social media. The policies related to social media of the organizations are now able to gain attention with the help of the huge amount of employees who comment, like, share and tweet with respect to the various aspects of life. However, the view of the professionals of human resources is that the abuses related to IT have increased in the last few years as well. The concern of the employers is growing with respect to the ways by which the use of social media by their employees can be managed and the impact of these activities on the brand is also analyzed (Drouin et al. 2015). The policies related to social media are formulated to protect the reputations of the companies. The organizations without any social media presence also need to analyze the impacts of the activities of the employees in the social media. The issues related to social media created by the employees can have a huge impact on the business related operations of the employees. Many organizations however have social media policies that are unlawful in nature. The organizations therefore need to retool the policies that are formulated so that the rights of the employees are compromised and also protect them. There are many elements that are related to successful policies of social media which are discussed further. The first element is related to the creation of a safe space for the employees where they can share the concerns they have before they go online (Bolton et al. 2013). The employees should have the space to share their issues with supervisors of the organizations before an activity is created online. The National Labor Relations Act has the given the rights to the employees regarding their activity of bargaining for their own protection. These laws that are laid by the body have further created confusion among the employers regarding their policies related to social media. The information which is treated as confidential for the organizations should be further communicated to the employees and the policies need to be formulated in such a way so that the employees are not able to share the information. The consequences related to the actions and activities of the employees on social media can have huge impact on the organizational operations (Obar and Wildman 2015). The employees need to be held responsible for their actions on the social media platforms. The sharing of any type of post or videos on the social media by the employees can affect the image of the brands. The proper spokespersons should be appointed by the organizations so that they can answer the questions related to the company. The proper way by which the employees can engage others in the process should be communicated to the employees. The activities of the employees on social media that are considered to be illegal with respect to the trademark of the company should be included in the policies. The culture of the organization is also reflected in the policies related to social media (Gritzalis et al. 2014). However, the just formulating a particular social media policy for an organization is not enough. The companies also need to invest effort and time in the training related to employees so that the policies can be successful. Human behavior cannot be controlled by the policies and procedures formulated by the organizations (Madden et al. 2013). The laws related to social media cannot stop the employees from performing any type of crime or debacle. The social media activities of the employees are in many ways uncontrollable in nature. The privacy of the employees and the dignity of the organizations are not in the hands of the employers. The laws that have been formulated for the privacy of the employees on the social media platforms are not that effective. The ways by which the policies of the company can be formulated and the activities of the employees related to the policies cannot be formulated. The privacy laws related to social media are therefore a dream for the companies and the employees. The control of privacy of the employees and the organizations cannot be controlled and it is therefore a dream for the organizations. References Acquisti, A., Brandimarte, L. and Loewenstein, G., 2015. Privacy and human behavior in the age of information.Science,347(6221), pp.509-514. Bolton, R.N., Parasuraman, A., Hoefnagels, A., Migchels, N., Kabadayi, S., Gruber, T., Komarova Loureiro, Y. and Solnet, D., 2013. Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda.Journal of Service Management,24(3), pp.245-267. Boyd, D., 2014.It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens. Yale University Press. Drouin, M., OConnor, K.W., Schmidt, G.B. and Miller, D.A., 2015. Facebook fired: Legal perspectives and young adults opinions on the use of social media in hiring and firing decisions.Computers in Human Behavior,46, pp.123-128. Gritzalis, D., Kandias, M., Stavrou, V. and Mitrou, L., 2014. History of information: the case of privacy and security in social media. InProc. of the History of Information Conference(pp. 283-310). Holmes, K.M. and O'loughlin, N., 2014. The experiences of people with learning disabilities on social networking sites.British Journal of Learning Disabilities,42(1), pp.1-5. Horvitz, E. and Mulligan, D., 2015. Data, privacy, and the greater good.Science,349(6245), pp.253-255. Houston, J.B., Hawthorne, J., Perreault, M.F., Park, E.H., Goldstein Hode, M., Halliwell, M.R., Turner McGowen, S.E., Davis, R., Vaid, S., McElderry, J.A. and Griffith, S.A., 2015. Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research.Disasters,39(1), pp.1-22. Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., Smith, A. and Beaton, M., 2013. Teens, social media, and privacy.Pew Research Center,21, pp.2-86. Marwick, A.E. and Boyd, D., 2014. Networked privacy: How teenagers negotiate context in social media.New Media Society,16(7), pp.1051-1067. Moorhead, S.A., Hazlett, D.E., Harrison, L., Carroll, J.K., Irwin, A. and Hoving, C., 2013. A new dimension of health care: systematic review of the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication.Journal of medical Internet research,15(4). Nolin, J., 2014. But What Happens at the Back End? A review of van Dijck, Jos. The culture of connectivity: a critical history of social media.Information research,19(2). Obar, J.A. and Wildman, S.S., 2015. Social media definition and the governance challenge: An introduction to the special issue. Rainie, L., Kiesler, S., Kang, R., Madden, M., Duggan, M., Brown, S. and Dabbish, L., 2013. Anonymity, privacy, and security online.Pew Research Center,5. Taddicken, M., 2014. The privacy paradoxin the social web: The impact of privacy concerns, individual characteristics, and the perceived social relevance on different forms of self?disclosure.Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication,19(2), pp.248-273. Van Der Velden, M. and El Emam, K., 2013. Not all my friends need to know: a qualitative study of teenage patients, privacy, and social media.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,20(1), pp.16-24. Van Dijck, J., 2013.The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media. Oxford University Press. Wodak, R. and Meyer, M. eds., 2015.Methods of critical discourse studies. Sage.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Social, Political And Economic Effects Of WWII Essay Example For Students
Social, Political And Economic Effects Of WWII Essay Everywhere in the world was heard the sound of things breaking. Advanced European societies could not support long wars or so many thought prior to World War I. They were right in a way. The societies could not support a long war unchanged. The First World War left no aspect of European civilization untouched as pre-war governments were transformed to fight total war. The war metamorphed Europe socially, politicaly, economically, and intellectualy. European countries channeled all of their resources into total war which resulted in enormous social change. The result of working together for a common goal seemed to be unifying European societies. Death knocked down all barriers between people. All belligerents had enacted some form of a selective service which levelled classes in many ways. Wartime scarcities made luxury an impossibility and unfavorable. Reflecting this, clothing became uniform and utilitarian. Europeans would never again dress in fancy, elaborate costumes. Uniforms led the way in clothing change. The bright blue-and-red prewar French infantry uniforms had been changed after the first few months of the war, since they made whoever wore them into excellent targets for machine guns. Womens skirts rose above the ankle permanently and women became more of a part of society than ever. They undertook a variety of jobs previously held by men. They were now a part of clerical, secretarial work, and te! aching. They were also more widely employed in industrial jobs. By 1918, 37. 6 percent of the work force in the Krupp armaments firm in Germany was female. In England the proportion of women works rose strikingly in public transport (for example, from 18,000 to 117,000 bus conductors), banking (9,500 to 63,700), and commerce (505,000 to 934,000). Many restrictions on women disappeared during the war. It became acceptable for young, employed, single middle-class women to have their own apartments, to go out without chaperones, and to smoke in public. It was only a matter of time before women received the right to vote in many belligerent countries. Strong forces were shaping the power and legal status of labor unions, too. The right of workers to organize was relatively new, about half a century. Employers fought to keep union organizers out of their plants and armed force was often used against striking workers. The universal rallying of workers towards their flag at the beginning of the war led to wider acceptance of unions. It was more of a bureaucratic route than a parliamentary route that integrated organized labor into government, however. A long war was not possible without complete cooperation of the workers with respect to putting in longers hours and increasing productivity. Strike activity had reached its highest levels in history just before the war. There had been over 1,500 diffent work stoppages in France and 3,000 in Germany during 1910. More than a million British workers stopped at one time or another in 1912. In Britain, France, and Germany, deals were struck between unions and government to eliminate strikes and less favorable work conditions in exchange for immediate integration into the government process. This integration was at the cost of having to act more as managers of labor than as the voice of the labor. Suddenly, the strikes stopped during the first year of the war. Soon the enthusiasm died down, though. The revival of strike activity in 1916 shows that the social peace was already wearing thin. Work stoppages and the number of people on strike in France quadrupled in 1916 compared to 1915. In Germany, in May 1916, 50,000 Berlin works held a three-day walkout to protest the arrest of the pacifist Karl Liebknecht. By the end of the war most had rejected the government offer of being integrated in the beaurocracy, but not without playing an important public role and gaining some advantages such as collective bargaining. The war may have had a leveling effect in many ways, but it also sharpened some social differences and conflicts. Soldiers were revolting just like workers: They were no longer willing to sacrifice their lives when shirkers at home were earning all the money, tkaing, the women around in cars, cornering all the best jobs, and while so many profiteers were waxing rich. The draft was not completely fair since ot all men were sent to the trenches. Skilled workers were more important to industry and some could secure safe assignments at home. Karl marx 5 EssayUnskilled workers and workers in less important industries fell behind. Clerks, lesser civil servants, teachers, clergymen, and small shopkeepers earned less than many skilled labors. Those who suffered the most were those dependent on fixed incoming. The incomes of old people on pensions or middle class living on small dividends remained about the same while prices double or tripled. These dropped down into poverty. These new poor kept their pride by repairing old clothes, supplementing food budget with gardens, and giving up everything to appear as they had before the war. Inflation radically change the relative position of many in society. Conflicts arose over the differences in purchasing power. All wage earners had less real purchasing power at the end of the war than they had had at the beginning. To make matters worse some great fortunes were built during the wartime and postwar inflation. Those who were able to borrow large amounts of money could repay their debts in devalued currency from their war profit. Four years of chaos and utter destruction had smashed the old world Europe. The most advanced quarter of the world had turned to violence and barbarism of its own accord. Progress and reason had been suppressed for destruction. Moreover, it has brought to light an almost incredible phenomenon: the civilized nations know and understand one another so little that one can turn against the other with hate and loathing. Indeed, one of the great civilized nations is so universally unpopular that the attempt can actually be made to exclude it from the civilized community as barbaric, although it has long proved its fitness by the magnificent contributions to that community which it has made. The early part of the war satisfied the fascination with speed, violence, and the machine as manifested in the pre-war Futurists. Many movements shared a resolute modernist contempt for all academic styles in the arts, a hatred for bourgeois culture, and a commitment to the free expression of individuals. All these feelings were given an additional jolt of violence and anger by the horrors of the wartime experience. During the war there was a loss of illusions as described in All Quiet on the Western Front. Poets, like others, had gone to war in 1914 believing in heroism and nobility. Trench warfare hardened and embittered many. Freud said of disillusionment: When I speak of disillusionment, everyone will know at once what i mean. One need not be a sentimentalist; one may perceive the biological and psychological necessity for surrering in the economy of human life, and yet condemn war both in its means and ends and long for the cessation of all wars. British poet, Wilfred Own, who was killed in 1918 was transformed from a young romantic into a powerful denouncer of those who had sent young men off to war. In Dulce et Decorum Est he mocked the old lie that it was good to die for ones country, after giving a searing description of a gassed soldier coughing out his lungs. The anger of the soldier-poets was directed against those who had sent them to the war, not their enemy. The war experience did not produce new art forms or styles. It acted largely to make the harshest themes and the grimmest or most mocking forms of expression of prewar intellectual life seem more appropriate, and to fost experiments in opposition to the dominant values of contemporary europe. The Dada movement, which mocked old values and ridiculed stuffy bourgeois culture, was one of these movements. A mood of desolation and emptiness prevailed at the end of a war where great sacrifice had brought little gain. It was not clear where post-war anger would be focused, but it would definately be in antibourgeois politics. The echoes of a world shattering were heard throughout the world as Europe collapsed into total war. These echoes were the sound of change as Europe was transformed socially, politicaly, economically, and intellectualy into a machine of complete destruction. Europe would never be the same again.
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