Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Creating Realities Essay
Various reasons pull Marlow and Henderson into the wilderness. Here they build up a battle to get themselves and their own world. Henderson and Marlow associate individual implications to encounters so as to increase a point of view of their own world. In Heart of Darkness Marlow there is a genuine complexity between what is light and what is dim. These differentiations work inside the truth of Marlow’s origination of what he thought about good and bad. Light speaks to for him what he isn't. The light speaks to something obscure while the haziness was himself, information on the contamination of the world and everything around him. Marlow built up an odd expressing of what he thought about his own existence. The implying that Marlow doled out to his excursion into the wilderness and the information about himself that he got from this excursion built up this point of view. He found that what he generally thought had been dark alluding it to the obscure was more white than himself. The principle significance for Marlow being in the wilderness was the â€Å"Fascination for the Abomination†that he created for the something obscure. He built up this interest for Kurtz. For Marlow, Kurtz was a thought that turned out to be a piece of Marlow’s reality. Marlow put together his world with respect to thoughts with singular significance like the contact with the savages or the excursion in the waterway that drove him to get himself. Marlow, in a hopeless acknowledgment, finds that the importance of life is close to home. Just he will have the option to get himself and nobody else will have the option to do it. He depicts his existence as one worked by appearance in which the contact made among him and the outside world depends on no importance. He’d end is that†We live as we dream, alone†. (Conrad, 97) Marlow feared the wilderness, however more than the wilderness he was apprehensive about what he can find about himself inside it. Marlow feared found what toward the end he was unable to maintain a strategic distance from to recognize, he feared found that he can make a decent attempt as he can to fit in the general public yet the way that he will never know himself, just as he never will realize others won't let him fit in. He understands during his excursion that all the information that he have about others was made by appearances. Like Marlow, Henderson, experienced the wilderness attempting to assuage the agony made by being caught between his own world and the one made by the bigger society and his own inside it. In the wilderness and in the savages, Henderson finds the way to figuring out how to make dependability between the two real factors. This included having truth for himself. The primary important experience that Henderson experienced in the wilderness was with Willatale, the sovereign of a savage clan. This greatly affects his push to assemble his own existence. Through this experience Henderson finds the insight of â€Å"being†and not â€Å"becoming†(Bellow, 160). Henderson finds just because reality that turns into the fundamental importance for his world. Henderson additionally understands that there is no ideal being and that everybody endures; except the main answer for this enduring is how much importance one allots to it rather than the amount one doles out different encounters. A key to Henderson’s the truth was the revelation of implying that he found in Atti, a lion that Dahfu, the ruler of a second savage clan, cause him to mimic her so as to get familiar with an exercise. He assimilated structure Atti a ton of things, for example, mental fortitude, balance, and fearlessness. The instructing permits him to conscious his human aching. The thing which follows Henderson’s human aching arousing is his capacity to feel that he is developing to be an infant man as he says: his was the place my heart had sent me, with its noise. â€Å"This is the place I finished up†¦. For I had hooks, and hair and a few teeth, and I was overflowing with hot clamor, yet when this had approached, there was as yet a leftover portion. That last thing of everything was my human longing†(Bellow ,267) He finds that the significance in tolerating who he was so as to ease the agony and languishing. He made a reality in which the principle significance was simply reality as a â€Å"being†individual not as a â€Å"becoming one. †He found that being human and being his own individual was something to be thankful for in the difference to what he had thought before the important encounters that he survived. Henderson and Marlow both understand that what guides people and their conduct are the motivation of a thought that implies that thoughts propose answers for understudy necessities that cause creatures to carry on with a particular goal in mind. They control us to live encounters that manufacture our world. This thought was a similar thought that drove Henderson to Africa, drove him to investigate for himself this thought which was the culprit of his new reality. The truth is the production of individuals dependent on their own encounters in which the significance of every one can be certain, as Henderson’s, or negative, as Marlow’s. 3 Show see just The above see is unformatted text This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad segment.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
In the news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
In the news - Essay Example The entire scene was set up like a constant emotionally supportive network. The entertaining scenes were made as a push to give individuals a lighthearted element, just as to showcase its low spending drugs coordinated to give help to single sicknesses, for example, cerebral pain, a sleeping disorder, body hurt and so forth. The scenes incorporated a high-heel wearing model strolling on a track plant to showcase for its â€Å"Help I have a blister†bundle of wraps, and an entertainer dozing in a store window to redirect enthusiasm towards its â€Å"Help I can’t sleep†caplets (Olsen pgB3).The store group not just conferred data to passers by with respect to sicknesses, yet additionally disseminated its cerebral pain parcels and queasiness medication to surveying stations and battle workplaces. Their promoting style may appear to be humorous and wacky, yet the store originators guarantee to have passed on a genuine message. I have comprehended from my promoting un derstanding that they have attempted to rearrange the purchasing procedure for the clients, who frequently appear to be befuddled by the shifting brands and items on offer. Individuals wind up purchasing more than they need, because of over the top advertising efforts, this streamlined technique of low measurements for single infirmities not a large group of diseases, caused individuals to acknowledge what they plan to purchase at lesser costs. Advertising ought to be accomplished for individuals who are not specialists, yet at the same time clients, who need straightforward answers for complex issues, with inventiveness and fun all folded into one. This battle cut a specialty for itself in the effectively jam-packed pharmaceutical market; it included viral recordings, execution windows and material bundling to make the message understood, direct and on-the-spot (Olsen pgB3). Olsen, Elizabeth. Assaulting Ailments With Small Doses.New York Times [Washington.] 09 11 2012, New York Edition pgB3. Print.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Kate Chopins novella, The Awakening Essay -- English Literature
Kate Chopin's novella, The Awakening In Kate Chopin's novella, The Awakening, the peruser is brought into a general public that is carefully male-ruled where ladies fill in the cliché job of viewing the kids, cooking, cleaning and keeping up appearances. Journalists frequently feature the estimations of a certain general public by presenting a character who is estranged from their culture by a characteristic, for example, sex, race or statement of faith. In Chopin's Arousing, the peruser meets Edna Pontellier, a wedded lady who endeavors to beat her destiny, to maintain a strategic distance from the cliché job of a lady in her time, and in doing so she uncovers the encompassing society's suspicion and virtues about ladies of Edna's time. Edna assists with uncovering the suppositions of her general public. The individuals encompassing her every day, especially ladies, expect their jobs as housewives; while the men are allowed to go out, go out at night, bet, drink and work. Edna shocks her partners when she takes up painting, which speaks to a working activity and autonomy for Edna. Leonce doesn't welcome this. The peruser perceives how he accept what she ought to do from this statement on page 57: Mr.Pontellier had been a somewhat considerate spouse insofar as he met a specific inferred accommodation in his better half. However, her new and sudden line of direct totally dazed him. ... At that point her total negligence for her obligations as a spouse rankled him. Leonce says himself, It appears to me the most extreme habit for a lady at the leader of a family unit, and the mother of youngsters, to spend in an atelier [meaning a studio for painting] days which would be better utilized devising for the solace of her family. This statement is fairly representative as it utilizes the word emplo... encompassing her capitulate to throughout everyday life. By challenging these laws Edna clarifies the ethics that the various ladies esteem; the fulfillment of their better half, the acknowledgment of society, and the adjustment to cliché jobs of a lady. In The Awakening, Edna is utilized as a device to underline the encompassing society's suspicions of a lady and the ethics that they esteem. Regularly, a character is separate from their way of life for this sole reason, to emphasize a point the creator needs to make. For this situation, Chopin needs to show the peruser how male ruled society has been, how immediately ladies surrender to their jobs, and how effectively individuals can be molded to consider an alternate and very negligible arrangement of ethics. Edna is deliberately distanced in the novella so as the peruser can find society's suspicions and virtues of the time furthermore, up until today.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Managing core risks in banks - Free Essay Example
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION RISK is a concept that denotes the precise probability of specific eventualities. It is simply the future uncertainty and not only the incidents of predictable outcomes but also the unpredictable favourable outcomes. All the firms or companies whether it is in real or providing service are facing some sort of RISK at present competitive business world to run its business. Banks are one of them in these regard and it is facing possibility of risk in terms of money and their achieved reputation. Bank is a financial institution that primarily deals with borrowing and lending money from the people by the people to the people. Besides this core activities now-a-days banks are also dealing with other roles related to economy. Modern banks are offering a wide range of financial services as a result the level and intensity of risk exposure have expanded today. 1.1 Significance: All the policymakers and the managers are now believe that risk management is essential where it has been identified few core areas to be managed effectively and efficiently are as follows, credit risk, interest-rate risk, exchange-rate risk, environmental risk,, and money laundering risk, liquidity or funding risk, leverage or capital risk, strategic risk, which needed to be greater emphasis. 1.2 Problem Statements: To do the whole research, at first, it is necessary to identify the problems regarding the selected topic. As the topic is related to risk in banks and its management it is the core need to know the problems that banks may face if the risks are not considered properly and those problems are as follows: ? Chances of variation in expected outcome. ? Possibility of suffering loss. ? Measure of probability and severity of adverse effects. 1.3 Research Objectives: The core objectives of doing this research are as follows: ? To improve profit and profitability. ? To manage and reduce all the major risks in banking business. ? To ensure long-term solvency and viability of the bank. ? To develop a structured framework for risk management. ? To form some guidelines as a basis for customization of the risk management strategies of banks. 1.4 Rationale: As a post graduate diploma student it is very essential to do some research to go depth of any topic. As banking sector is expanding its hand in different financial event everyday, as the demand for better services increases day by day it, they are coming with different ideas and product where the risk is also becoming higher. So it is necessary to know all the risks bank may face to run its business. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW The unanticipated part of the return, that portion resulting from surprises is the true risk of any investment. If we always receive what we expect, than the investment is perfectly predictable and, by definition, risk-free. In other words, the risk of owning an asset comes from surprises-unanticipated events. RISK is a concept that denotes the precise probability of specific eventualities. It is simply the future uncertainty and not only the incidents of predictable outcomes but also the unpredictable favourable outcomes. All the firms or companies whether it is in real or providing service are facing some sort of risk at present competitive business world to run its business. Banks are one of them in these regard and it is facing possibility of risk in terms of money and their achieved reputation. Bank is a financial institution that primarily deals with borrowing and lending money from the people by the people to the people. Besides this core activities now-a-days banks are also dealing with other roles related to economy. A wide range of financial services are offering by modern banks as a result the level and intensity of risk exposure have been expanded as well. So all the policymakers and the managers are now believe that risk management is essential, where they have been identified few core areas to be managed effectively and efficiently are as follows, credit risk, interest-rate risk, exchange-rate risk, environmental risk, money laundering risk, liquidity or funding risk, leverage or capital risk, strategic risk, which needed to discuss broadly. Financial risk refers to the risk that a bank will not have ample cash flow to meet the financial obligations. Financial risks are taken in managing the balance sheet and off-balance activities. Financial risk covers, among others, credit risk which is thought the most dominant financial risk today. This is the risk of erosion of value due to simple default or non-payment by the borrowers. Credit risk is also known as counter-party risk since its come from the failure of counter party to meet its obligation as per contract or agreed terms and conditions. An interest-rate risk refers to the potential negative effect on the net cash flows and value of assets and liabilities resulting from interest-rate changes. In extreme conditions, interest rate fluctuations can create a liquidity crisis. The subject of interest rate risk also belongs to the Asset-Liability Management and is much broader than liquidity. The fluctuation in the prices of financial assets due to changes in interest rates can be large enough to make default risk which is the major threat to banks viability. Exchange-rate risk, or currency risk, is the risk of declines in cash flows and asset values of a bank due to change in exchange rate. The banks with overseas operations of those active in foreign exchange markets faces exchange rate risk. All the risk and how it can be reduced would be discussed thoroughly on the ma in body of the report. All the risk that modern banks may face at the present competitive business world viewed by experts have briefly discussed as follows: 2.1 Credit Risk Management: Saidur, (2008) defined that financial risk arises as a risk when a bank doesnt have enough money to meet its financial obligations, are taken in managing the balance sheet and off-balance activities. This risk includes, among others, credit risk which is the most dominant financial risk today that decomposition of value due to simple default or non-payment by the borrowers. Credit risk is also known as counter-party risk since its come from the failure of counter party to meet his/her obligation as per contract or agreed terms and conditions that also can be defined as the possible failure by the bank borrowers or counter-party within the agreed time period. According to BIS (2000), â€Å"Credit Risk is most simply defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms.†To maximize the rate of return this risk should be managed properly. Banks need to manage credit risk in the entire range as well a s the risk in individual credits or transactions. The effective management of credit risk is a critical component of a comprehensive approach to risk management and essential to the long-term success of any banking organization. 2.2 Interest-rate Risk Management: According to Bank of Jamaica (2005), â€Å"Interest rate risk is the potential impact that faces by banks on its earnings and net asset values of changes in interest rates.†When banks principal amount and its cash flows differ in both on-and-off balance sheet items then interest-rate risk arises. Managing interest rate risk is a fundamental element in the safe and sound management of all banks. Although the facts of interest rate risk management differ among banks depend upon the nature and complexity of its asset and liability structure. A wide-ranging interest rate risk management programme requires getting interest-rate risk positions and risking profiles. ? To establish and implement sound and prudent interest rate risk policies; ? To develop and implement appropriate interest rate risk measurement techniques; and ? To develop and implement effective interest rate risk management and control procedures. Managing interest rate requires a clear understanding of th e sum at risk and the impact of changes in interest rates on this risk position. To make these determinations, adequate information should be available to consent appropriate action to be taken within acceptable, often very short, short periods. The longer it takes an institution to eliminate or reverse an unwanted exposure, the greater the possibility of loss. Interest-rate risk refers to the potential negative effect on the net cash flows and value of assets and liabilities resulting from interest-rate changes. In extreme conditions, interest rate fluctuations can create a liquidity crisis. The subject of interest rate risk also belongs to the Asset-Liability Management and is much broader than liquidity. The fluctuation in the prices of financial assets due to changes in interest rates can be large enough to make default risk which is the major threat to banks viability. (Saidur 2008) 2.3 Exchange-rate risk Management: Saidur (2008) pointed out that exchange-rate risk or currency risk is the risk of declines in cash flows and asset values of a bank due to change in exchange rate. The banks with overseas operations of those active in foreign exchange markets faces exchange rate risk. The net long position and short position of foreign currency balances under trading book may be assessed to know the extent the risk as well as capital requirements for this purpose. However, the Value-at-Risk (VaR), one of the most sophisticated approaches that depend on inferential statistical parameters, may be used to determine the extent of risk in this area. 2.4 Environmental Risk Management: Saidur (2008) suggested that Environmental Risk is the risk that the bank must guard against but over which it has at best limited control. The bank must take it that as a firm, like any other, it is open to risk resulting from changes in the external environment in which it operates. It includes: a) Defalcation riskâ€â€the risk of theft or fraud by bank officers or employees as well as by the customers must be carefully guarded against in order to avoid substantial losses. Code of conduct, moral value creation, punitive measures etc., may help reducing such risk. 2.5 Money Laundering Risk Management: Saidur (2008) explained that the loss of reputation and expenses incurred as penalty for being negligent in prevention of money laundering. Sound Know Your Client (KYC) procedure, Cash transaction report (CTR), suspicious transaction report (STR), clear understanding of the business of the client, persons identity will reduce the loss of reputation and expenses incurred as penalty from such types of risk. With money laundering on the rise around the world, regulatory response is also increasing. Recent enforcement actions have focused on an institutions lack of consistent internal controls, governance and oversight. In response, financial institutions are in search of reasonable anti-money laundering measures they can take to ensure regulatory compliance, including implementing a monitoring system that: ? Migrates all risks identified in their risk assessment. ? Can be implemented in months rather than years. ? Has lower infrastructure and support costs. ? Is proven to pass r egulatory muster. 2.6 Liquidity or Funding Risk Management: Mathias and Kleopatra (2009) describes that Funding liquidity risk is the possibility that over a specific horizon, a bank will unable to meet the demand for money, as other risks, funding liquidity risk is forward looking and measured over a specific horizon. It is a zero-one concept, i.e. a bank can either settle obligations, or it cannot. Funding liquidity risk, on the other hand, can take on infinitely many values reflecting the magnitude of risk. Moreover, funding liquidity is a point-in-time concept, while funding liquidity is forward looking. As long as the bank is not in an absorbing state, both liquidity and illiquidity are possible. The likelihood of either depends on the time horizon considered and on the nature of the funding position of the bank. In this respect, concerns about the future ability to settle obligations or to raise cash at short notice, i.e. future funding liquidity, will impact on current funding liquidity risk. 2.7 Leverage or Capital Risk Management: Leverage or capital risk is the potential inability of a bank to protect its depositors and creditors from declines in asset value and therefore, default. Banks need to maintain adequate capital because it is caution against unexpected losses; it ensures that a bank remains solvent and stays in business even under extreme conditions; it has directly linked with investment/credit operations and it aims at absorbing unexpected losses at certain confidence level. Banks are following the best international practice given by the Basel Committee on banking supervision for maintaining adequate capital to commensurate to exposure or risk on balance sheet from 1996. Saidur (2008). 2.8 Strategic Risk Management: Saidur (2008), depicts that strategic risk is the risk of the bank choosing inappropriate geographic and product areas that will be profitable for the bank in a complex future environment. In other words, strategic risk may occur when a bank is not prepared or able to complete in a newly developing line of business. 2.9 Overview: A widespread and classy management information system needs to be developed for analysing behavioural profile of depositors and borrowers. Also need to understand mature profile of assets and liabilities including duration gap analysis, calculation of potential loss from movements of rate of return, adoption of contingency plan for liquidity, analysing some crucial factors related to possibility of credit default, loss given default, exposure at default expected loss etc. CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Types: Quantitative and qualitative approaches are the beginning point to understand the collection of information for research. The observations and measurements that can be measured objectively and repeated by other researchers are known as the quantitative research. On the other hand the research which aims to increase our understanding of why is called qualitative research. The research that we have done is a qualitative research because its increase our understanding of ‘why? Suppose from this research we will be able to know that why banks should manage its core risk? 3.2 Methods of Data Collection: To complete a research we have to collect a lot of data and information. This data and information can be two types: primary data or secondary data. By the term primary data generally we mean the immediate information while secondary data relates with the past period information. Primary data is more accommodating as it shows latest information and we can collect primary data directly from the work field and it take a lot of time. But secondary data can be collect effortlessly, rapidly and inexpensively. We made this research on the basis of secondary data. Mainly we collect the information from different journals, books and through some websites. 3.3 Research Framework: Saidurs definition was more reasonable so the definition was taken which is financial risk arises as a risk when a bank doesnt have enough money to meet its financial obligations, are taken in managing the balance sheet and off-balance activities. According to Bank of Jamaica â€Å"Interest rate risk is the potential impact that faces by banks on its earnings and net asset values of changes in interest rates.†When banks principal amount and its cash flows differ in both on-and-off balance sheet items then interest-rate risk arises. Interest-rate risk refers to the potential negative effect on the net cash flows and value of assets and liabilities resulting from interest-rate changes. In extreme conditions, interest rate fluctuations can create a liquidity crisis. The subject of interest rate risk also belongs to the Asset-Liability Management and is much broader than liquidity. The fluctuation in the prices of financial assets due to changes in interest rates can be l arge enough to make default risk which is the major threat to banks viability, which was broadly discussed by Saidur. He also pointed out that exchange-rate risk or currency risk is the risk of declines in cash flows and asset values of a bank due to change in exchange rate. The banks with overseas operations of those active in foreign exchange markets faces exchange rate risk. The net long position and short position of foreign currency balances under trading Mathias and Kleopatra describes that Funding liquidity risk is the possibility that over a specific horizon, a bank will unable to meet the demand for money, as other risks, funding liquidity risk is forward looking and measured over a specific horizon. It is a zero-one concept, i.e. a bank can either settle obligations, or it cannot. Funding liquidity risk, on the other hand, can take on infinitely many values reflecting the magnitude of risk. Saidur (2008), depicts that strategic risk is the risk of the bank choosin g inappropriate geographic and product areas that will be profitable for the bank in a complex future environment. In other words, strategic risk may occur when a bank is not prepared or able to complete in a newly developing line of business. CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Banking has a diversified and complex financial activity which is no longer limited within the geographic boundary of a country. Since its activity involves high risk, the issue of effective internal control system, corporate governance, transparency, accountability has become significant issues to ensure smooth performance of the banking industry throughout the world. In many banks internal control is identified with internal audit; the scope of internal control is not limited to audit work. It is an integral part of the daily activity of a bank, which on its own merit identifies the risks associated with the process and adopts a measure to mitigate the same. Internal Audit on the other hand is a part of Internal Control system which reinforces the control system through regular review. Internal Control refers to the mechanism in place on a permanent basis to control the activities in an organization, both at a central and at a departmental/divisional level. A key component of ef fective internal control is the operation of a solid accounting and information system. The internal control environment is the framework under which internal controls are developed, implemented and monitored. It consists of the mechanisms and arrangements that ensure internal and external risks to which the company is exposed are identified; appropriate and effective internal controls are developed and implemented to soundly and prudently manage these risks; reliable and comprehensive systems are to be put in place to appropriately monitor the effectiveness of these controls. Each company needs to have in place an appropriate and effective internal control environment to ensure that the company is managed and controlled in a sound and prudent manner. 4.1 Credit risk: This risk results from the possible inability of the borrower to repay the loan or its benefits or the inability of the companys securities from the investor bank to pay the value of paper or revenues, and this danger is the quality of the portfolio of loans and investments in securities and the degree of risk in loan is often higher than securities. This risk can be controlled partly by examining the borrowers financial appropriacy and his ability pay as an initial guarantee for payment of the loan, and to obtain assets or securities or goods as secondary guarantees for payment of the loan, as well as examining the financial situation of companies issuing the securities which the bank wishes to invest in. However, we can not control another part of credit risk represented in non-payment due to general economic conditions or natural disasters. 4.2 Liquidity Risk: This risk results from the inability of the bank to repay liabilities and obligations due on their maturity dates because the bank does not harmonize the maturities dates of assets and liabilities through investment in assets with maturities dates greater than those of liabilities, something which leads to the inability to meet the demands for the withdrawal of deposits when they are due. Liquidity risk can be divided into two types: Funding Liquidity Risk (it results from the inability of the bank in normal circumstances to obtain adequate liquidity to repay its obligations, or obtain new deposits or a new loan or its inability to liquidate its assets); Market Liquidity Risk (it results from sudden withdrawal of deposits resulting in the inability of the bank to pay without incurring unexpected loss). 4.3 Market or Price Risk: This risk results from the decline in the value of some elements of logistical assets or liabilities, the Bank handles the assets and liabilities affected by the market price significantly, especially when interest rates differ between each of the assets and liabilities. General Market Risks (where all market tools move once as a result of taking economic decisions or general conditions and therefore this type of risk can not be controlled; Specific Market Risks (where a certain tool moves without the others for reasons related to the source of this tool, such as low profits or the returns of the portfolio or indicator of securities related to a certain industry that suffers from certain recession.. The banks management must predict and control such risks by diversifying investments. 4.4 Foreign Currency Risk: The reason for this type of risk is the change in exchange rates of foreign currencies against the local currency, which affects revenues and costs associated with investments in foreign currency. The probability of this risk increases with the increase in the volume of investments in foreign currency or their concentration in one currency. 4.5 Interest rate risk: A bank is exposed to interest rate risk when it experiences a situation of imbalance in terms of size or maturity dates between assets and liabilities sensitive to interest rates, leading to potential losses for the bank when interest rate increases or declines and this influences the net asset value in the budget, which some call risk gap. 4.6 Operational Risk: It results from the inability of the information and control system in the bank to predict various other risks, and as a result their occurrence is ignored and the bank incurs losses. This shortcoming may be due to technical reasons related to the information system itself or to administrative and regulatory reasons. 4.7 Legal Risk: This risk results from the decline of the market value of the assets of the bank compared with liabilities as a result of losses for any of the above reasons, and therefore the bank cannot pay dues to clients and resort to liquidation and the use of its capital to fill the gap between assets and liabilities. Thus, it can notice the multiplicity and diversity of the risks faced by commercial banks in their work due to the nature of the banking industry which is characterized by a range of factors that lead to increased risks. These factors include: Commercial banks dependency on others funds represented in deposits and loans so that the ratio of capital to net assets does not exceed 7% at most, which reduces the safety edge for small depositors and increases risks. The nature of the financial markets in which banks operate, as these markets are constantly changing, and the growing global inflation, which supports the state of instability of commercial banks. Increased co mpetition faced by commercial banks on the part of other financial institutions to attract and grant funds such as insurance companies, pension funds and securities investment companies. CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Banks can apply the follow strategies to manage the risk: 1. making intelligent investment/credit decisions so that the expected risk of investment /credit is both accurately graded and priced to compensate risk exposure; 2. diversifying across borrowers, activities and regions so that credit loses are not concentrated to a particular area, borrower or activity; 3. creating ‘investment caps to avoid over concentration on a particular sector; 4. imposing legal limit of investment/credit for each single client or group of companies 5. encouraging syndicated financing; 6. purchasing third party guarantees/credit insurance so that default risk entirely of partially can be shifted away from the banks; and 7. setting-up separate credit administration department to administer proper disbursement, documentation and custody thereof monitoring covenants and compliance. In the economic reality from our days, banks face several challenges to sustain the economic development of every country. There are a lot of threats and risks which c an interfere in the banks activity, with a great influence over the performance and profitability. Therefore, in this paper we analyzed some interesting and useful performance evaluation methods in commercial banks, concomitantly with a detailed analysis of the risks that a commercial bank faces in managing assets and liabilities. Stable banking systems are able to maintain efficiency in unforeseen situations and to generate incentives and credible financial information for all participants. The importance of this approach is that a market economy can not function without profitable consolidated banks; together with the revival of economy and improving the business environment. The banking system has seen an accelerated development, both in terms of quantity, as particularly in terms of quality. In the context of the challenges associated with globalization, internationalization banking activity, as a consequence of reduce trade barriers between countries and the opening of finan cial markets to foreign investors, can not be achieved without an efficient banking system. In the economic reality from our days, banks face several challenges to sustain the economic development of every country. There are a lot of threats and risks which can interfere in the banks activity, with a great influence over the performance and profitability. Therefore, in this paper we analyzed some interesting and useful performance evaluation methods in commercial banks, concomitantly with a detailed analysis of the risks that a commercial bank faces in managing assets and liabilities.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance Of Setting Goals Through Treatment Planning
When a client attends an agency/program for the first time, the attending clinician performs an assessment. The assessment is essential because it allows the clinician to know and understand the clients’ history. The clinician needs to know what the client is here for, if this is a hereditary trait, how long the client has been dealing with this issue, and etc. After this is performed, the client and clinician will create a treatment plan. In this paper I will discuss the importance of setting goals through treatment planning and how through evidence-based practice, one will be able to determine of the client has been reaching their goals. I will be demonstrating this through a client who would be dual diagnosed. What dual diagnosed means is that an individual has both a mental illness and is using substance/alcohol. Dual diagnosed is broad because it can mean that someone can be diagnosed with schizophrenia and alcohol, diagnosed with bipolar and heroin, or diagnosed wit h obsessive-compulsive disorder and cocaine. It does not matter what their diagnosis and usage is. If the individual is using and has a mental illness, they are considered dual diagnosed also known as Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers (MICA). As previously stated, after performing as assessment with the client, a treatment plan needs to take place. This treatment plan can be devised between client and clinician or with client and the staff at the program. Treatment planning plays a significant roleShow MoreRelatedThe Knowledge And Understanding Of Health Assessments1075 Words  | 5 Pagesare conducted every day in nursing and other health profession. 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The following analysis explores how case management developedRead MoreCore Functions of Case Management1479 Words  | 6 Pagesp rocess consists of five parts: assessment, treatment planning, linking, advocacy, and monitoring. It is not a linear process and does not follow the order it is written up. There may be some back and forth and returning to certain points. Screening Contact between an addictions counsellor and a client is usually initiated by the client referring him/her self, an outside agency refers them, family physician or the addictions counsellor initiates contact through outreach or other agencies. AssessmentRead MoreCommunication Is A Very Intricate Part Of A Successful Strategic Plan1095 Words  | 5 Pagesmission, vision, values, goals and objectives of the organization must be organizational-wide dissemination. 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Their main goals are to provide patients with safe care andRead MoreConcepts of Health Promotion1466 Words  | 6 Pagesassisting them in making lifestyle modifications that will help them advance their wellbeing to an ideal state. Modifications of the unfavorable way of living can be enabled through a combination of strategies and learning experiences that enhance awareness and rise motivation; most importantly, the change is made possible through the creation of opportunities that permit access to situations that make positive health practices an easy choice. Read MoreEngagement And Alliance Formation : A Critical Component Of The Service Delivery Process1483 Words  | 6 Pagesalliance formation is a critical component of the service delivery process. Shea (1998) defines engagement as on â€Å"ongoing development†through which patients begin to feel secure, open-up and freely talk about their issues with the clinician. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How does Shakespeare use the arras device for particular effect Essay Example For Students
How does Shakespeare use the arras device for particular effect? Essay Throughout his plays Shakespeare weaves the arras device skilfully into his plots shaping the characters involved, the genre, and the outcome of the tale. The arras technique was frequently used during Elizabethan times for dramatic effect and to emphasising the theatrical theme; it is still commonly practiced to this day. The literal definition for an arras is a wall-hanging, however, the purpose is concealment, meaning that an arras can take many forms both physical and metaphorical. Shakespeare uses the device to develop characterisation and to exaggerate comedy, betrayal and dramatic irony. The use of the arras for different effect is used in all the Shakespearean plays I have studied. The traditional form of an arras was a wall hanging or tapestry hiding an individual from the other characters. This barrier would permit a person to hide from another, allowing the person hiding to listen, concealed, to what the other person was saying or doing. Shakespeare uses this method in Cymbeline, when Iachimo is unwittingly taken into Imogens chamber To the trunk again, and shut the spring of it. Iachimo hides in the trunk, because he wants his presence to be secret, he knows the trunk will be taken to Imogens room so manages to pass by her guards and maids unseen. When Imogens maid enters her rooms she immediately asks Whos there? my woman Helen? This method is repeatedly applied in The Merry Wives of Windsor, when Falstaff hides from mistress Page and when he is carried out of Mistress Fords house in a laundry basket covered in dirty washing, unknown by Mr Ford, who is angrily searching for him. Once again this character hides in a moving arras, and passes right under the person they are hiding froms nose. Shakespeare can use this form of the physical arras to display and enhance humour and tragedy and in all of the plays I have studied this technique has occurred. However, the play that is the most dependent on the arras shaping the genre is The Merry Wives of Windsor, where the comedy solely relies on the humour being formed when Falstaff tries unsuccessfully to use the arras device. Falstaff believes he is tricking the two mistresses Ford and Page playing them both, this is shown when he is trying to woo Mistress Ford I love thee; none but thee, but suddenly Mistress Page appears and he is forced to hide. Hidden behind a wall hanging he believes that Mistress Page has no idea of his presence, when ironically the whole situation has been previously planned by the two women Mistress Page, remember your cue. This means that when Falstaffs confidence shines through it is comical for the audience who, through dramatic irony know what he does not; that in fact he is the one being played. To add further humour to his arrogance the director could have made him poorly hidden with his round stomach giving him away. Shakespeare continues this theme of comedy when Falstaff has to be hidden once again, but this time from Ford who knows not of the trickery devised by the two wives. Falstaff has to allow himself to be buried underneath a dirty pile of washing in a laundry and later dumped into a muddy brook, when trying to escape Fords resentful search. Humour is displayed when Falstaff tries to use the two different arrases but finds difficulty with his large size; Hes too big to go in there. A physical arras, whos purpose is to achieve trickery, is also used four times in Much to do about nothing. The first two arrases are of the same style and are intended to have the same effect; to be overheard. It first occurs when Don Pedro, Leonato and Claudio manage to trick Benedict into believing that Beatrice loves him. This trap is carefully schemed and rehearsed by the two characters. The scene begins in the orchard with Benedicks monologue where the audience is told of his complaints of love. He wonders if he will ever marry May I be so converted and see with these eyes? I cannot tell; I think not and how till all graces be in one woman, one woman shall not come in my grace. However, the audience has been previously been informed of his friends plan and here dramatic irony occurs. The trickery starts with Don Pedro asking See you where Benedick hath hid himself? talking of the arras Benedick thinks he is well hidden behind, a box hedge, and this is obviously not intended to be over heard. However, he goes on to say you told me of Many times a playwright EssayA style of the arras devise that is used a lot less frequently in Shakespeare plays, but still causes great dramatic effect is a metaphoric arras, shown in Hamlet Much to do about nothing and in Cymbeline. A metaphorical arras devise arises into the plot of Hamlet helping to further sculpture the genre and end result. The arras that Hamlet seems to shelter behind in some parts of the play is madness that causes confusion amongst the other characters and amongst the audience. At the beginning of the play the audience is made to assume that madness is an act covering Hamlets real intentions, but as the play continues the madness seems to merge into the character of Hamlet, leaving the audience puzzled about if his actions are actually intended. The bewilderment cause by the arras shows the layering and entwining of different tales that makes this play even more complex. Another metaphorical arras devised to create tragedy is shown near the end of Much To Do About Nothing, when a small number of characters, including Hero, fake Heros own death. However, this devise is shown clearly to be intentional and this was succeed by Heros disappearance from public. This arras allowed Heros innocence to be proven without any further embarrassment for her and for Claudios love guilt to be revealed For this I owe you: here comes other reckonings here it seems as though Claudio takes full blame for the death of Hero causing his actions to be filled with guilt. The arras devise can also be the foundation of the audiences feelings towards certain characters, the audiences feelings about a certain character can be shaped by the use of the arras and this is shown in Shakespeares play Cymbeline. Spectators views towards Iachimo are affected by his unwanted, unknown presence and how venerable Imogen is lying completely oblivious in her bed. He seems to take advantage of her defencelessness by using the arras of sleep to be somewhat controlling and creepy which could easily unnerve the audience. Although this form of arras is not literal and is not an object which conceals him, it is in some ways even more affective in portraying the true characteristics of Iachimo. Viewers of the play, I believe, would feel uneasy about Iachimos next actions after his comment Our Tarquin thus did softly press the rushes, ere he wakend the chastity he wounded. This would be because Iachimo seems to take pride in comparing himself to Tarquin a well known story in Elizabethan times. From the tiny glimpse of Shakespearean plays I have studied I have seen continuous occurrences of the arras devise, where it has been used in many different ways to cause many different effects. In all the arrases that occurred the purpose accomplished, while highlighting and exaggerating dramatic effect. The devise plays a very important part in all the plays, and I do truly believe that the arras devise greatly affects the outcome of the play.
Friday, April 17, 2020
The Electoral College Essays (2003 words) - Voting Systems
The Electoral College When the Constitutional Convention gathered in 1784 they had the difficult task of determining how our government should be assembled and what systems we should use to elect them. They quickly decided congress should have the powers to pass laws and the people should elect these people to ensure they are following the will of the people. But who should elect the president? Congress was the initial choice of most of the framers, but then they realized they first dilemma; by having congress elect the president, he would be loyal only to congress and not the people. The second and most logically thought was to have the people elect the president. However, this too was a problem in the eyes of most of the framers. They felt that people were prone to being rash and emotional and therefore could not be trusted to make a wise decision. So then congress settled on the final choice, which was to be a compromise between the smaller and larger states, which would ensure that the president would be fairly and wisely selected and that smaller states would have the same power as larger states. This system is called the Electoral College. In the Electoral College, each state is granted one vote for every representative and one for every senator, thus ensuring that each state would be equally represented when electing the president. However, the same question arises every four years, are the ideals that were used to create the Electoral College system over 200 years ago still applicable today or have that outlived their intended purposes? In order to answer that we must first explore the purposes for setting up the Electoral College and then determine how relevant it is to today. The first purpose for setting up the Electoral College was to ensure that congress did not have too much power. When the system of government was finally decided on, our founding fathers understood the importance of the balance of power within the three branches of the government. They called this system checks and balances. This system was set up to ensure that the government would remain loyal to the people and loyal to their states (Hamilton). In The Federalist Papers, No. 68, Alexander Hamilton discusses the importance of having the president elected by the Electoral College. He said that in order to ensure that we do not end up with the same problems that America had with the monarch of England, it was important that the balance of power was spread throughout the government and that no one portion have too much power. Another reason Alexander Hamilton gave for not having congress elect the president was that the founders wanted to reassure states that they had not given up all their power to a federal government. In order to ratify the constitution, the framers knew that it would have to be approved in each of the thirteen states. They also knew that these states would be skeptical of a powerful central government that would have the ability to take away all their rights. So, they would have to make sure that each of these states was comfortable with the amount of power given to each branch of the central government. This point is also clearly evident today. During the election this year, the Republican Party ran on a platform that included the premise of a smaller government. This platform was in line with an MSNBC poll that was taken in July 2000, which asked this question, Do you think it is important to limit the size of the federal government? Over 72 percent of the 4,143 people surveyed said they believed that it is important to limit the size of the government. So even in the age of government programs which help support the citizens of this nation, people still understand the importance of keeping our government small. The second purpose for the Electoral College was to give smaller states the same rights and powers as the larger states. There are two primary reasons why the smaller states have the same, if not more, power than the larger states when it comes to electing the president. The first is, a presidential candidate must
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Taoism and Confucianism
Whatever the truth, Taoism and Confucianism have to be seen side-by-side as two distinct responses to the social, political and philosophical conditions of life two and a half millennia ago in China. Whereas Confucianism is greatly concerned with social relations, conduct and human society, Taoism has a much more individualistic and mystical character, greatly influenced by nature. In Lao Tzu's view things were said to create "unnatural" action (wei) by shaping desires (yu). The process of learning the names (ming) used in the doctrines helped one to make distinctions between good and evil, beautiful and ugly, high and low, and "being" (yu) and "non- being" (wu), thereby shaping desires. To abandon knowledge was to abandon names, distinctions, tastes, and desires. Thus spontaneous behavior (wu-wei) resulted ( Wing - Tsit Chan 136, 791). Contemplating the remarkable natural world Lao Tzu felt that it was man and his activities, which constituted a blight on the otherwise perfect order of things. Thus he counseled people to turn away from the folly of human pursuits and to return to one's natural wellspring (Wing - Tsit Chan 148, 141-142, 163, 169) The five colors cause ones eyes to be blind. The five tones cause ones ears to be deaf. The five flavors cause ones plate to be spoiled. Racing and hunting cause ones mind to be mad. Goods that are hard to get injure ones activities. For this reason the sage is concerned with the belly and not the eyes, Therefore he rejects the one but accepts the other (Lao Tzu in Wing-Tsit Chan 145). The central vehicle of achieving tranquillity was the Tao, a term which has been translated as "the way" or "the path" ( Wing-Tsit Chan 736). Te in this context refers to virtue and Ching refers to laws. Thus the Tao Te Ching could be translated as The Law (or Canon) of Virtue and it's Way. The Tao was the central mystical term of the Lao- and the Taoists...
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Produce a research poster of A2 size on a commodity Essay
Produce a research poster of A2 size on a commodity - Essay Example Its corrosion resistance nature and ability to be shaped easily makes it a perfect material for roofing materials and drink cans (Kaushish, 2010). On the other hand, its low-density nature makes it effective for making window frames and building greenhouses. Aluminum is also a good heat conductor. This aspect makes it perfect for making cookware, cookers and boilers. Additionally, aluminum is mostly used as overhead power cables due to its good conduction of electricity (International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures & Lau, 2011). Lastly, the high reflectivity nature makes aluminum ideal for making reflectors, mirrors and firefighting. There are two sources of aluminum namely bauxite and recycling. In this case, bauxite remains the most common material that is mostly used in producing virgin aluminum (Prashad, 2006). Common bauxite-producing nations include Guinea, Australia, Brazil, China and Jamaica. Australia tends to produce at least 2.5 times of bauxite than other nations. Recycling also remains an important aluminum source. Alumina prices tend to influence its demand and supply. Additionally, the electricity prices influences its demand and supply (Kaushish, 2010). China remains the biggest aluminum importers in the market. Aluminum supply and demand in China depends on consumer preferences in the product. Common factors affecting aluminum price elasticity include number of substitute’s products, switching costs between products, strength of the product, time allowed after change in prices and consumer’s income percentage that is allocated to the product expenditure (Schmitz, Domagala, & Haag, 2006). An alternative for aluminum is the magnesium alloys. In this case, magnesium has the potential of meeting its current demands for reliable and lighter construction. Magnesium is a perfect alternative since they have comparable specific stiffness (Prashad, 2006). They also have higher energy consumption and specific strengths, which enable
Monday, February 10, 2020
Do Contrast in the Long-term Financing and Ownership of Business Essay
Do Contrast in the Long-term Financing and Ownership of Business Explain National Differences in the Governance and Management of Firms, and Fundamentally Account for the Success of Major Economies - Essay Example In the paper, the case of KFC in the UK, US, Japan, and China will be compared and contrast in terms of the nature of ownership, governance, business strategy, corporate objectives, power/authority of management, nature of strategic decision-making, nature of decisions on building corporate capabilities, the long-term and short-term investment in technology, investment in plant and machinery in relation to productivity, and management of people. Eventually, a comparison will be made in the four countries’ degree of relationship between performance and finance systems, forces of convergence, and internationalization before and after 1990. Prior to a conclusion, the extent to which the crisis of 2008 has transformed the nature of the debate about the financial system and types of capitalism will be tackled in details. KFC was first established in the US and was eventually sold to PepsiCo back in 1986 and eventually became a subsidiary of YUM!. As part of its globalization strate gy, KFC entered the UK market via 60% franchised + 40% equity, Japan via the joint venture (JV) through the franchise with Mitsubishi Corporation (62%), and China through franchising. Since the Chinese government did not recognize the term â€Å"franchising†back in the 1990s, most of the first few KFC stores in China were company-owned. Governance is all about having the best and most legal and ethical system that can be used in directing or controlling the business. In most cases, corporate governance aims to regulate the corporate conduct by creating a balance between the internal and external stakeholders, the government, and the local communities. Aside from being able to fulfill the Board’s responsibilities to its shareholders, the top management of KFC strongly believes that the process of creating good corporate governance is one of the key factors that will make their business a success.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Mass Media and Social Construction Essay Example for Free
The Mass Media and Social Construction Essay The mass media industry is implicated in social construction. There are Ways of Seeing which serve state-corporate interests at the expense of the interests of the people. This is because there is a direct relationship between the mainstream press and the political economy of state-corporate capitalism in the construction of the false reality. The system of capitalism heavily indoctrinates the population through the mainstream press. The mass media fulfils this duty, because it is owned and controlled by the corporate class. In other words, economics and media are inter-linked. Herman and Chomsky provide evidence for this reality in Manufacturing Consent. (Herman and Chomsky) They show how the mainstream press is run by the political economy and how the viewer is made into a pawn. The two authors build a propaganda model in which they reveal how the U.S. government exploits the media to enforce control over the people. The mass media, therefore, is a corporate tool that is used to indoctrinate the population. The viewer is told what kind of desire he should have. If a person watches the media carefully, he will be able to see that certain programs have hidden messages and assumptions that reveal a certain bias against certain groups. Even the language that is used is based on certain premises that the corporate order wants people to think is normal. Yet all of these messages shape values. To a large extent, this process is about how people give approval to their own domination without even knowing it. Herman and Chomsky reveal how the language of the U.S. mass media is actually very limited. The parameters of debate are very narrow. What this basically means is that people think they are having a free-for-all discussion, but in fact it is the negation of discussion. Herman and Chomsky demonstrate how the marketplace and the economics of publishing try to shape the news we receive. A certain message is sent out that tries to limit the way people think about things. In this way, people are brainwashed. Thus, the corporate-run media basically shapes the desires and opinions of the majority of people. This is because producers and advertisers have an interest in reinforcing certain ideologies. This is, therefore, a political battle. Economic elites retain their power by shaping and moulding social reality through the means of mass media. As Chomsky and Herman reveal, for example, American media employs a double standard in the ways it treats the crimes committed by enemy countries and the crimes committed by friendly countries. (Chomsky, pp.30-33) This serves a certain political agenda. Thus, it becomes clear that there is a direct relationship between the mainstream press and the political economy of state-corporate capitalism in the construction of social reality. The system of capitalism hides behind the scenes of this manipulation, but it is really pulling the strings. There is a propaganda model which we are a part of. The mass media serves as a corporate tool in this manipulation of what we are. That is why John Berger has told us about his issue of Ways of Seeing. (Berger) It turns out that what we see is not necessarily what we are seeing. Berger makes an important point when he says that publicity falsely proposes that purchases of things will change the consumer. Yet we know that this is a lie. Nonetheless, people but into the lie of advertising. People are simply led to believe that they are making a choice, when in fact all that is happening is the negation of choice. This is where Bergers point also becomes relevant, since Berger shows how advertising promises to change the consumer. But only sameness results. Thus, he r reveals that advertising actually steals something from the consumer and then sells it back at a certain price. Berger writes that, The spectator-buyer is meant to envy as she will become if she buys the product. She is meant to imagine herself transformed by the product into an object of envy for others, an envy which will then justify her loving herself. (Berger, p.134) This is the way that people are made to believe that they simply have to be consumers in order to be accepted by the society in which they live. If they do not buy what they are told, and if they do not want to own certain things, then they are simply not a part of the society that is deemed to be normal. In this way, we see how the mass media industry is implicated in social construction. There are Ways of Seeing which serve state-corporate interests at the expense of true freedom for people. Works Cited Berger, John. Ways of Seeing (Pelican) Herman and Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent (Pantheon)
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
School Vouchers Essay -- Position Paper School Vouchers
School Vouchers      School vouchers can be described as financial funding given to students who elect not to attend public schools. Therefore the government would not be spending money educating that student in a public school. A school voucher is the allotment of money that the government would have used for that student to attend public school. This money is then given to the family of the student to help fund the education of that student. This money cannot be used for anything other than education. There are many sides to take and many opinions to be had. It is very clear that the prospect of school vouchers is an issue to be debated. Some people feel that if they are not using the government’s form of education then they should be paid for not using it, in order to help finance other forms of education. On the other side of the issue, some people feel that school vouchers would be used in many cases to subsidize religious schools. This becomes a hot topic due to the separ ation of church and state. In short, does money not being used by a student belong to that student, and can it be used for a private, and sometimes religious, school. There are only two logical options to solve this dilemma of school vouchers. The first is that the government provides school vouchers to students not enrolled in the public school system. The second is that the government does not provide school vouchers to students not enrolled in the public school system. There are many stipulations that could be applied to both sides of the argument, but the bottom line remains the same. The government can either provide or not provide school vouchers. If the government should decide to provide school vouchers, there are both positive and negative aspects to that decision.      Considering that the United States government would grant school vouchers to students, there would be many positive gains. For instance, that choice would level the playing field, with regards to education, between low-income families and upper class families (Messerli). This would be accomplished by providing monetary funding to families of students that could not previously afford to attend an institution of private education. In turn, more students would be able to enroll in private schools. An increase in attendance at private schools would be a benefit to the whole of the education system. This ben... ...ios and variables presented, I would recommend that a nationwide voucher program be introduced. I feel that a voucher program’s benefits far outweigh the shortcomings. A voucher program would not only be beneficial to parents and students, but also to education as it stands today. Parents would benefit by basing their decisions about education on the worth of the school instead of on money. Students would benefit by having a choice between public and private school. Even students not involved in the voucher program would benefit, by smaller class sizes, more diversity, and better teaching due to competition between schools. Education as we know it today, both public and private, would benefit by having more choices, and would then be able to assist more students in reaching their educational goals. Bibliography Coulson, Andrew J. Should You Fear School Choice?. 22 Sep. 2004. Mackinac Center for Public Policy. 3 Jan. 2005. Helping state leaders shape education policy. 2004. Education Commission of the States. 3 Jan. 2005. Messerli, Joe. Balanced Politics. 2 Oct. 2003. 3 Jan. 2005. . The pros and cons in the school voucher debate. 2002. Pagewise, Inc. 3 Jan. 2005. .
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Why Animal Testing Can Save Our Lives
Many years ago, people follow particular traditions that involves animal sacrifice. According to biblical history, animals were often killed to use as sacrifices to God. In Genesis, Abraham sacrificed a ram after he was stopped by an angel to kill his son as a sign of full obedience to God. Clearly, animal sacrifices has been accepted ever since our ancestors had developed various religions where they believed meat offerings were pleasant to the eyes of their God. As one of the most complicated ethical issues of today, animal testing can be viewed in the same way with the historical animal sacrifices. As humans in past were saved spiritually by offering animals, it is reasonable to conclude that animal testing is a kind of sacrifice that humans must do to save lives physically and emotionally. Why Animal Testing Can Save Our Lives One of the primary reasons why animal testing is considered helpful for the advance of man is the fact that it plays a significant role in the progress of medicine. Newly created drugs are safer to use by humans if they are tested on animals first. Some people believes that it is unethical and improper to use a drug if it has not been tested on animals before (Hayhurst, 20). They argue that it is the best possible way to determine if a drug is safe or not. They clearly have a point in this argument. Apparently, they believe that human lives are much important than animal lives. â€Å"Many people who argue for animal testing agree that it's unfortunate that animals must sometimes suffer, but they feel that the pain is a small price to pay if it advances science and produces new cures for deadly diseases such as cancer and AIDS†(Hayhurst, 21). On the other hand, people who are against animal testing argue that animal lives should also be treated with utmost importance and should not be used as sacrifices to attain something. One of the points of these people are the fact that some cosmetic manufacturers also engage in animal testing to try their products. They believe that such products are â€Å"unnecessary†for animals' health to be sacrificed (Hayhurst, 21). There is the blinding of mice to enable cosmetic manufacturers to produce a new kind of mascara and other. They also argue that animal reactions to drugs can be quite different from that of humans. â€Å"Because of the irreconcilable biological differences between animals and human beings, the results of animal tests cannot be applied to human beings with any degree of confidence†(qtd. in Lovegrove, 14). However, it is the issue of morality and ethics that is enveloping the entire argument against animal testing. Many people on this side believes that animals have the right to live and that humans cannot just treat them in any way just because they can. Apparently, both sides of the issue raises important points that should be considered to achieve a fair and justified treatment of the issue. Clearly, there is a lot at stake here whether in the morality or the medical advancement of human beings but both ways still considers what is good for man. Nevertheless, the problem with some animal rights activists is that, â€Å"there is too much emphasis on ethics and too little emphasis on what they perceive as scientific benefits†(qtd. in Connor). In our present situation where diseases are rampant, it is important that people must be receptive and open-minded enough to consider tough decisions such as supporting animal testing. It is also important that people weigh the circumstances of what animal research could do in the existence and survival of mankind in the future. The problem with some activists is that they focus so much on what is happening today that they tend to forget what could happen in the future. Conclusion Our world today is experiencing so many medical challenges such as the spread of A(H1N1) virus, cancer, AIDS and other diseases; therefore, it is important that we consider sacrificing something today to enable us to prepare for the future. In addition, these animals also benefit from the testing as their future generations also benefits from the medical progress to which they contribute. Hence, it is quite reasonable to conclude that some tough decisions and actions should be made to make this place better and safer for all of us. It is for the greater good that a few must suffer to attain something better in the future.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Taking a Look at Ai Weiwei - 1760 Words
Ai Weiwei, a Chinese contemporary artist as well as a political activist was born in Beijing on May 18, 1957. When Ai was only one year old him and his family were sent to a labor camp. It was not for sixteen years later at the end of the Cultural Revolution until his family moved back to Beijing. He studied animation at the Beijing Film Academy in 1978. After his studies he spent about twelve years in the United States and studied at the Parsons School of Design where he soon dropped out. For income he became a street artist, doing drawings on the side. When his father had become sick in 1993, Ai returned to Beijing from New York City. He then became the artist director and co-founder of the China Art Achieves and Warehouse. This is about the time when some controversial pieces are now starting to come about. In 1993, Ai Weiwei then had moved to the North side of China in a town called Coachanghdi, this is where he started to do architectural work, including his studio house. This is when he founded the FAKE design, which is an architectural studio. Ai’s biggest controversial issue is when he was arrested on false tax evasions and detained for three months. After his arrest Ai Weiwei is no longer permitted to leave China and is under tight security by the Chinese government. He is not allowed to leave the country because he is under other criminal investigations, which include pornography, illegal exchange of foreign currency, and bigamy. Everyone in support of him isShow MoreRelatedChallenging Society Through Art.1073 Words  | 5 Pagesas simple as that. The most preferred type of art emotes happiness to the viewer throughout all of history. Yet, throughout the years, artists have come to challenge society’s preference of art. Artists like Gustave Courbet, Francisco Goya, and Ai Weiwei, who decided to take the challenge and start a new progression. Social critique through art is blatantly shown throughout each of their pieces: Stonebreake rs, The Third of May 1808, and Sunflower Seeds. All three are similar yet different. ThroughRead MoreEssay On Exploring And Preparing For An Intercultural Encounter1476 Words  | 6 Pagesdocumentary in a way that people from all over the world can view refugees in a positive and emotional way. â€Å"You can understand they are human, even in these conditions that you cannot imagine,†explains Ai Weiwei (p. 9). This is a prime example of how Italians go out of there way to help others. Ai Weiwei created this documentary in a way that will make others rethink how they view refugees in hopefully a more empathetic and positive manner. To be a successful communicator in Italy, I would need to have
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